0132 928 6566 I 07737 822 718
3PS Training Solutions
1st Floor, Churchill House, Plot 5,
Fort Fareham Industrial Estate, Newgate Lane, Fareham, Hampshire PO14 1AH
Office 0132 928 6566
Mobile 07737 822 718
Email info@3pstrainingsolutions.co.uk
Door Supervisor Upskilling
Level 2
This is a top up requirement which includes a workbook and a training day. This will provide you with all the knowledge required to complete the Award for Upskilling Door Supervisors which covers new issues and legislation that was not in place when you completed your training.
It forms part of the training required to achieve the Level 2 Award for Upskilling Door Supervisors, a new standard put in place by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) for license renewals from February 2013. This affects Door Supervisors who have completed the old NQF qualification with 2 units usually completed before September 2010.
Course content
Physical Intervention Skills for the Private Security Industry
You will also need to complete another unit, Physical Intervention Skills for the Private Security Industry, to achieve the Level 2 Award for Upskilling Door Supervisors.
Duration: 1 day classroom delivery
Assessment method:
Unit 1 and the knowledge element of unit 2: Multiple choice examinations externally set and marked.
Unit 2 (Practical element): Internally assessed and marked and quality assured by the awarding body.
Number of Candidates: Up to 12 per course.
The qualification consists of two units:
Unit 1 : Safety Awareness for Door Supervisors; and,
Unit 2 : Physical Intervention Skills for the Private Security Industry.
Safety Awareness for Door Supervisors
The workbook contains information about the skills and knowledge you will require together with activities for you to complete. The activities are important because they will allow you to apply and reinforce the knowledge you are learning and draw on your experiences as a Door Supervisor.
It will also help you acquire the knowledge to complete the formal assessment process that you need to undertake to be awarded the unit. This is in the form of a Multiple Choice Test that you will take at your training centre. These materials will give you all the information necessary to prepare for the exam.
The Safety Awareness for Door Supervisors unit is divided into 3 learning outcomes:
Understand counter terrorism issues relevant to Door Supervisors:
Know the role of the Door Supervisor when first aid situations occur in licenced premises; and,
Know legislation and requirements regarding children and young people relevant to Door Supervisors.